Outsport next step: Training of Trainers

After the presentation in Rome, Outsport is about to get into its full range of activities.
The next step will be the “Training of Trainers” (5th to 9thof October), during which a specific ETS method-based training (non-formal education through sport) will be carried out.
Our partners will select 3 participants who are already skilled in education, sport and LGBTI issues. They will develop the capacity to use education through sport promoting an LGBTI and gender inclusive environment in all levels of sport (grassroots sport, sport in schools and élite sport).
The final goal is to plan national training courses for sport operators (trainers and teams) by developing follow-up activities in project design.
Besides the research, which is going to begin in the winter with the data collecting phase, this is one of the most important activities of Outsport.
Furthermore, the Outsport staff is working to implement the Info Days program, a calendar made of a wide variety of events through which we will show the aim of the project and we will talk about all the tips from our rainbow bag Allie, the mascot we chose to spread important messages about a friendly and inclusive sport environment for everybody.
One of Outsport’s next communication tasks will be to support the next Football People Week, (October 5th to 19th 2017). Many news will be coming after this summer, so stay tuned and remember: play friendly, play proud!