Outsport Infoday at ‘Come toghter Cup’ Cologne

On May, 31st the DSHS joined the ‘Come together Cup’, a big beneficial football tournament, that is explicitly open to all genders, sexual orientations, nations and other diversity-aspects. Since 1995 the ‘Come together Cup’ is celebrated every year in Cologne and it became much more than a big sports event. An interesting info-boulevard, a food-court and a big show- and info-program with the moment of Silence frame tournament, in which this year 36 women- and 36 men teams played on 12 soccer fields against each other.
OUTSPORT was represented with an info-stand, where we shared information about the overall project with more than 19 000 guests, motivated people to participate in the online survey and networked with other organizations, that work in this field.
For further information about the Come together Cup: https://www.come-together-cup.de/

photo by Marian Hirschfeld
To know more about the survey and how you can support and share it: http://www.out-sport.eu/?page_id=2585&lang-hun